Geo Life Humble Beginnings Getting Fit by 40 — Day 1
For the most part, I can say that today went relatively well. At first I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t like the food in the diet plan, but it actually feels good eating healthy–you can immediately notice a difference in your mood and overall level of energy.
Even if I don’t always like the taste of the food, the pleasure of feeling healthy and invigorated far outweighs the fickle pleasure of eating comfort food.
Daily Image Year of Change Day One #YOC
Each day I will take a picture of myself in these same short and my 100 per cent natural mullet. I believe this blog is more about my journey and self confidence than my facial features so have chosen to blank part of it out. I aim to keep the backdrop consistent throughout however I am taking up part of my wife’s hobby room so at some point my have to move.
Resistance is Not Futile in the War for Good Health
I also managed to not give in to the beckoning calls of my favourite fast food joints as I drove past them on my commute to work. It definitely felt good to resist the temptation of those greasy goods, and I even felt a brief moment of superiority and pity towards the people who were eating there. Even for just a single day, Abstaining from fast food is an achievement in itself, but I definitely can’t let it get to my head. I’ve still got a long ways to go.
For exercise, I eased into the first day by doing a light 4K walk and some low-impact bodyweight training and resistance with a 5kg rice sack. This was mainly just to get my blood flowing again and loosen up my joints, but I fear that even this light workout is going to make me as sore as an Olympic athlete after a hard day of training. It’s only pain though, and if soreness is one of the only downsides of getting fit, then I’ll accept it with open arms.
Also See: 5 Ways You Can Transform Your Body Without Going to the Gym
Geo Life Meal Plan for Day One
I have to say planning my meals is a strange experience. I usually just hook into whatever I fancy. Yet today I have scheduled meal prep and turned my back on the convenience. It felt good to be accountable. Usually would grad a takeaway each day which eats into my 30-minute unpaid lunch break; today I actually got to relax as I had my meals ready.
With my meal planning I have not limited salads or measured them, fruits also I will not but any significant limits on.
Daily Planner of Geo Life Accountability Day One
I have been in the last year while I worked up to finally getting my health in order been listening to a lot of self help Guru’s on YouTube. ne of the common themes that seems to come up across the different presenters is the need to keep a schedule and be accountable to it. While its a pain in the ass so far I can see some merit, however I think tomorrow I will break down into 30 minute blocks as the hourly planner missed a number of nuances I would of like to include.
For Daily planner, click here
Also See: Corona Virus VS The Black Plague
Daily Exercise Planner Day 1 Geo Life Year of Change
Being honest I am super out of shape, I drink too much, eat too much and until today smoked too much, well not anymore the year of change is upon us and day one was “greatish”. The exercises although may seem easy were not, it bloody hurry, and my brain kept screaming at me to stop, take a rest you don’t need this etc. However I kept going and am glad I did, I already feel lighter (Not really but I know if I carry on I will.).
If you don’t know any of these exercises just search them up, my research was basically googling bodyweight exercises and then watched a YouTube video on the correct form. I may do my own exercise video one day, but today is not that day, I achieved my goal but it was not pretty.
Day One of the Rest of My Life Wrap Up
It was a great day, I feel empowered and really want to keep it up, I certainly didn’t realize quite how deep down the rabbit hole I am in terms of health and fitness which has been a rude but not entirely unexpected finding. My days are busy, but I am going to take the time to ensure each day brings something new and I continue to rise to the challenge.
Year of Change day one week one, here we come. Love it…
Tweet Me @maxatlasyoc
This article contains only general medicine, fitness and health information.
The information contained in this article does not advise and in no way should be treated as advice.
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