It’s Only a Matter of Time if You Don’t Quit — Day 107
I woke up this morning feeling deeply appreciative of the journey I’ve made thus far. A week ago, I passed the 100-day mark, and I was so focused on my everyday life that I failed to even notice it. I think this is just a testament to how far I’ve come–getting better each and every day is more important than recognizing milestone which are ultimately arbitrary. Regardless of whether it’s my 100th day or the 1000th one, I should look to make the present day my best day on Earth.
After doing this stretching routine for a little while, I’m starting to realize the importance of good posture. I thought that stretching improved my posture, but it actually just made me more mindful of it, and that’s helped me avoid a number of aches and pains that I used to have. I know I’m only turning 40, but having good posture will be invaluable as a start to really get old (though if you ask my kids, I already am old).
Daily Image Year of Change Day 107 #YOC
I’m definitely losing weight, but my skin has also continued to clear up.
I decided to switch things up for tonight’s workout and do a few sets of plyometrics, which are basically high-impact workouts that target certain muscle fibres. However, they were a lot more than what I bargained for, as I only made it about halfway through. While I wasn’t able to do them this time, at least I have something else to work towards. I’m not so old that I can’t learn any new tricks!
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Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 107
I kept things simple and easy tonight, but dinner was still delicious.
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