Make it Count Nobody Else Will — Day 143
As I sat reflecting on the day ahead of me this morning, I came to the conclusion that life can be boiled down to doing everything the right way. For everything in life that you are faced with, ask yourself this: what is it that I must do, and what is the best way of making it happen? Even seemingly mundane activities such as waking up, doing chores, and going to sleep have an ideal manner/approach to which they should be performed. The only hard part is figuring out exactly how to do things in a way that supplies your life with meaning and purpose. At almost five months into this journey, I’d say I’ve made pretty good progress in this respect.
Between work, chores, and other odd errands, I had an inordinately busy day. I expected to feel crazy tired by the end of it all, but surprisingly I felt pretty normal, as if it were a usual day of work. This just goes to show how much I’ve benefited from working on my endurance and mobility. While I initially prioritized my appearance, I now realize that performance and actual fitness are far more important. What your body can do is much more valuable than how it looks, and this is most true for everyday tasks. After all, most of us aren’t going to become champion athletes, but we can definitely become champion errand-runners!
Daily Image Year of Change Day 143 #YOC
I felt really excited to take this picture today, but I promise I’m not getting vain!
After a great workout and a delicious evening meal, I was able to relax for the rest of the day. I spent some of this time working on my book, and I managed to get a decent amount of writing done. In fact, I got so engaged in it that I ended up staying up later than I should have!
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Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 143
Tried a vegan egg substitute for breakfast, and it was pretty decent.
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