Sometimes it’s Better to Just Do it — Day 149

Max Ignatius Atlas
2 min readJul 28, 2021


This morning I finally got back to my morning run, and I must say that it went great. I tried to make a conscious effort not to go too hard and ease myself back in, but I couldn’t help myself once I started moving. It literally felt like a huge relief that I was able to get all sweaty and out of breath, which is really saying something about how far I’ve come!

Later on in the day, as I was reminding myself to maintain good posture while lifting heavy things around, I realized just how much my lifestyle has improved my overall well-being, and not just fitness. Being more healthy has definitely helped with my hair, skin, and posture, but I’ve also put more of an emphasis on self-care in general. Having more energy and bodily awareness provides a lot of motivation to take better care of yourself in various areas, and I’m definitely happy that I’ve been able to benefit from this.

Daily Image Year of Change Day 149#YOC

Is there an “aura” of fitness? Because I think I might be starting to get it.

Tonight’s dinner was another vegetarian meal, and I enjoyed it for the most part. I’m starting to appreciate the taste and texture of veggies more, but I still love meat to an almost unreasonable extent. In fact, even though I’m the one who prepared this meal, I literally asked why there wasn’t any meat! I know that I’m bound to change though, and soon enough I’ll remember this moment as just another funny incident in my meat-loving past.

Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 149

This morning I had an entirely sugar-free breakfast, which is a great step towards sugar independence.

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