Sometimes You Want to Quit Just Don’t Day 122
I woke up this morning feeling much more refreshed than usual, so I guess I got a really good night’s sleep. Since I felt so great, I decided to go on a longer morning run than I usually would. I ended up taking a new route, and I was surprised at how much effort I was able to expend compared to my past runs. This could have just been because I suddenly had energy to spare, but I think that switching up my usual routine also helped. After you’ve ran the same route as many times as I have, you start feeling tired around the same point. A change of scenery is definitely nice, but I never expected it to actually help my performance!
I had a strong urge to read after I got home later on, so I made sure to finish my errands quickly so I’d have plenty of time to dive into some books. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading about science and philosophy in the past, but recently I’ve been digging into the works of various motivational and inspirational figures. Absorbing their ideas really empowers me to work towards being my best self, and it’s definitely a big reason why I’ve started writing my own stuff in hopes of helping others. If I keep working hard, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of inspirational tidbits to share.
Daily Image Year of Change Day 122 #YOC
I’m definitely looking fitter by the day, but I’m still not getting any younger!
For tonight’s dinner, I decided to challenge myself…by making a salad. I’ve made it clear before that I’m not the biggest fan of salad, but the benefits of me preparing and eating one is undeniable. Not only are these leafy greens a massive boon to my health, but the entire process of making a salad for dinner will definitely help me change my relationship with food as I’ve been trying to do these past few weeks.
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Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 122
Making salad for dinner was just as challenging as a workout.
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