Ways to Get Energized and Motivated When You Feel Lazy — Day 73

Max Ignatius Atlas
3 min readMay 13, 2021

I got up and drank my breakfast this morning like a condemned prisoner savouring his last meal. If I was going to go almost half a day without eating, mental preparation would be just as necessary as stuffing my face. After I cleaned my plate, I sat down to meditate and envision a successful day. Going hungry for this long will be tough, but the results I’ll see will be well worth it.

I was a little hungry towards the end of the workday, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. My real difficulties began after I got home. My kids wanted to go to the park, and even though all I could think about was food, I agreed to take them for some reason. I had enough energy to chase them around for a while, but doing so just made me feel hungrier. And of course, as we were driving home, they begged me for McDonalds since they hadn’t had any in a while. I grumpily obliged, but it took every ounce of my will not to order something for myself.

I figured that I wasn’t going to make it to my workout without eating something, so I made a smoothie to go along with a homemade snack. It wasn’t much, but it would at least hold me over until dinner. Not being distracted by hunger allowed me to exercise with a lot of purpose and energy, but I was a bit disappointed that I wasn’t able to follow through with the plan I’d laid out. I was at least able to restrain myself from getting fast food, so that’s something to be proud of. Anyways, this was just my first day on this new schedule, so some missteps are to be expected. I’ll be sure I make it all the way tomorrow.

Daily Image Year of Change Day 73 #YOC

Starting to see changes, also I am feeling happier how I look and have noticed some facial slimming.

I don’t know if it was just because I was really hungry, but I absolutely loved tonight’s dinner. Typically, I mainly look forward to eating meats, but tonight I was even eager for the taste of vegetables. Hey, if skipping lunch will get me more enthusiastic about eating leafy greens, I’ll take it.

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Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 73

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Max Ignatius Atlas

Year of Change Change Your Perception Change Your Life